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There is also a HPV vaccination programme for gay and bisexual men and other men who have sex with men ( MSM) up to 45 years of age, who attend sexual health or HIV clinics. Those who are eligible for the HPV vaccine can get it free on the NHS up until their 25th birthday. The vaccine helps to prevent HPV infection which can cause genital warts and HPV-associated cancers such as cervical cancer, some other cancers of the genital areas and anus and some cancers of the head and neck. People with HIV or known to be immunocompromised will continue to receive 3 doses.įrom Friday 1 April, gay and bisexual men and those aged 15 and over will only need to receive 2 doses of the human papillomavirus ( HPV) vaccine instead of 3 to be fully vaccinated, based on advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation ( JCVI). Gay and bisexual men and those aged 15 and over to receive 2 doses of the HPV vaccine.

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