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With Tom Kenny, Bill Fagerbakke, Rodger Bumpass, Clancy Brown. 2:24 ‘Elden Ring’ is the fastest selling ‘Souls’ game ever. Favorite Character: SpongeBob SquarePants Despised Character: The Bikini Bottom Police Favorite Season: Season 1 Despised Season: Season 8 (okay season though) The 'Morbid SpongeBob' scene is a HYPER-infamous scene from the HYPER-infamous episode 'What Ever Happened to SpongeBob?' A.

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But you don't your an empty homonculus like the rest of us. The image, known as 'Red Mist Squidward,' is a reference to Squidward's Suicide, a creepypasta from 2010 in which a supposed Nickelodeon intern tells the tale of a horrifying 'lost' SpongeBob episode in which Squidward spends minutes weeping while horrific sounds play before the character kills himself.

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SpongeBob heads into the Krusty Krab to ask for a job as a fry cook, but Squidward and Mr.

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